Added by Conran

I love my friends.
They're always there for me when I need cheering up. They're always great fun to be with on a night out. They know me so well it's sometimes scary.
But aside from all of that, I have a few friends who love hooking me up with guys. One buddy in particular kind of lives through me vicariously I think. He's straight, but he admits that he had experiences when he was younger. I don't know how he keeps it in his pants, but he manages it. He's very moral and in a long-term relationship with a really nice girl that he definitely wants to marry.
I know he wants to experiment, I can tell. But one of the best parts about it all is that if he meets a guy he thinks I might get on well with, and he thinks they might be open to something, he gets us together.

Tonight I met up with him in a local watering hole after my afternoon in the gym and he had this young guy with him. It's a guy he works with. Really cute guy too. We had a great couple of hours and I really hit it off with the new guy, talking about working out and our routines, diets and all that stuff. He's really into it, but I just kind of do what feels right and it seems to work. I don't buy the fitness mags and all that stuff, but he really focuses on it.

After the guy left to meet up with his girlfriend my buddy told me that he thinks he's bi-curious. They had a drunken night a few weeks ago and after a few beers ended up watching some porn on his laptop. My buddy says they were seconds away from getting their dicks out for a wank (the guys suggestion) when his girlfriend came home.
He's glad they didn't, like I said he's moral, and he'd see even that as cheating and a regrettable experience.

So he's decided to hook me up with the guy. And I'm really looking forward to it. I just need to work out an excuse to get the dude over here and we'll see how it all goes. :)

Here's a "buddy wank" video for you guys. A new one too. Hopefully I can get to see my new buddy's cock pretty soon!


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