Added by Conran

Another little secret for you. I love skater boys. I love everything about them. The scruffy hair, the lip and eyebrow piercings, the baggy clothes, the attitude...

About eight years ago I had the chance to hook up with a "curious" skater. He was 19, and so good looking. Built too. Like a lot of curious boys he wanted someone he knew to teach him some things. The way he explained it to me is that he knew he had a thing about cock. He loved looking at porn with big dicks and found himself watching loads of gay porn but skipping through the anal stuff, just watching all the jerking off and cock sucking.

He knew I was gay and we got on really well. So after only about three months he confronted me really awkwardly and asked if I'd let him fuck me. He'd decided that he had to have anal sex, but that he'd rather be a top. I laughed and tried to explain that anal sex isn't the only thing and that plenty of gay guys just don't go there. Still, we gave it a go and had a really good time. He was really scared and nervous at first, but soon got into it.

We actually fucked a few times and he turned pretty versatile. But, sadly, he lost his hotness when he started going to the gay clubs to hook up with other boys. After a few weeks I caught up with him in the hopes of a session and he was "deeply committed" to a twink named Joseph.

He was also covered in lycra and glitter. :)

Last I heard he was onto his tenth "deeply committed" relationship and dancing at a gay club in Manchester.

Oh well, bring on the next hot skater boy! lol


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