Added by Conran

I guess I must be what you might call a people watcher. I'm always checking people out and trying to work out how their mind works. I guess when you throw in sex too you kind of get someone who has a bit of a fascination about what gets guys horny and what they think about sex, their dicks, other guys...

Something that I have never really understood is the whole envy thing between guys, and the men who always want a bigger cock. I really don't understand the guys who try the extreme methods of getting a bigger cock, risking impotency and all those complications.

I can get that sometimes cock size can be a genuine issue for a very small minority, but all the guys I've seen who say they want a bigger cock have enough already.

I think it's a greed thing, and while I don't think that many guys actually fixate on their cock size that much, when it comes to "size queens" I do think there are too many who get off on other guys with big dicks. I've even seen guys on dating sites demanding that any guys who respond to them have a big cock! They're delusional, in my humble opinion.

Anyway, as you can imagine I've been checking out some of the delicious dicks in the pics on here tonight and I found this one of a hot guy with a sexy slim cock. I like guys with slim dick, they're real easy to suck. ;)

And it's another one added by Mitch069 too! lol


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