Added by Conran

Now I know you might expect that this is gonna be all about someone I hooked up with through a friend of mine (something that often happens I hasten to add lol) but this is actually about finding a pic out there on the net...

I think we've all had guys in our lives we've lusted after. I know I have a few, and some of them I still see and know quite well now too. But although we might sometimes try to hook up with someone we have a thing for it doesn't always work out, right? I can immediately think of three guys I've known over the years who literally drove me nuts with their hotness! One of them is now a good friend, but the other two I really had to distance myself from because it was too much to see them so often and know that it wasn't going anywhere.

Okay, so I think that's probably more love than lust, but I'm not the kind of person to admit that very easily ;)

This guy isn't someone I lusted after, it's a guy a friend here on the site lusted after. He found this pic out there on the net and I guess it made his day. He new this handsome man and actually worked with him. You can bet that if I found an pics like this of any of the guys I fell for in the past I think it would make my year!

I'm not sure about the anonymity issue here, so I'm just going to thank the person who sent me this pic - you know who you are ;)


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